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The Importance of Residential & Commercial Safes

Theft is a common occurrence that can end up causing a lot of damage to you or your business if the wrong things get stolen. That is why more and more people are turning to the protection of residential and commercial safes in Orlando. Here are just a few reasons why locksmiths and other experts recommend putting a safe in your home or office:  


Safeguards Against Fire & Water Damage – Fires and floods can end up causing significant damage to your belongings, including essential, irreplaceable items. By storing your most precious belongings in a fire and waterproof safe, you can ensure that you won’t lose those essential documents or possessions if disaster strikes.  


Reduced Chances of Theft – Most thieves are opportunistic, which means the more challenging something is to steal, the less likely they are to try. By placing all of your most important valuables in a safe, thieves are far less likely to get away with them, even if they end up breaking into your property.  


Safety of Weapons – If you are a hunter, police officer, sport shooter, or another type of individual with firearms, crossbows, or other weapons in your home, it is imperative for you to put them somewhere secure. This not only helps to avoid them being stolen by criminals but also keeps them out of the hands of children or other individuals incapable of properly using them. 

Home Lockout Solutions: What to Do When You’re Locked Out

So, you were in such a hurry when you left the house that you figured it out too late that you forgot to grab your keys. Now what? While a lockout can pose a severe problem, especially if you have kids or pets inside who need your care or dinner in the oven, there is something you can do about it. Here are just a few of the most popular home lockout solutions in Orlando 


Ask for Help – If you know someone who has a spare key to your home—your partner, a roommate, a good friend, or a family member—then it is a good idea to reach out to them to see if they can come and let you in. Renters can also try contacting their landlord or property manager since they tend to have duplicate keys. If you live in an apartment complex, try asking for access to your unit in the manager’s office.  


Call a Locksmith – The most surefire way to get back into your home is to leave it to the professionals. Locksmiths are usually available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, to help you get back inside as quickly as possible.  


Check Your Windows & Doors – Do you sometimes leave doors or windows unlocked when you are home? If so, then give them a try to see if you can get back inside without having to go through the locked entryway from which you left. It is important to note that leaving doors and windows unlocked when you are away is an invitation to invaders and is never recommended.

The Top Four Benefits of Access Control Systems in Orlando

Electronic access control systems in Orlando are modernized systems that utilize cellular networks, RFID technology, and the Internet to revolutionize the world of access control. These impressive innovations have made it much easier for commercial businesses like yours to protect themselves better. Here are just a few of the different reasons you should consider upgrading to a new access control system:


Ease of Access – With an access control system, your employees won’t have to worry about carrying several keys around to get into the areas of your business where they belong. Instead, with a PIN input or a keycard scanner, your employees will be able to get to their workstations with ease.


Freedom from Traditional Keys – Physical office door keys can be a real pain to manage. They can get lost, they can break, or they can just be difficult to use if you have a full key ring. Even worse, if they do happen to get lost or stolen, they pose a serious security threat to your business. An access control system provides keyless entry that will save you time, money, and frustration.


Keeps Track of Who Comes & Goes – Another security bonus for access control systems is that your system will track who enters and who exits the building or any specific room within it. Since these interactions are timestamped, it makes it easier to figure out what happened in case of an accident, theft, or another incident.


Saving Money & Energy – Access control systems are an effective tool when it comes to helping you save money, energy, and manpower. Important equipment, documents, and safes can be stored in secure areas where only authorized personnel can access them, reducing the need for security guards. Additionally, your system can be integrated with your cooling, heating, and lighting systems so that they are only running when someone enters the room.

How to Prevent Home Lockout Situations

Dealing with a home lockout can be pretty frustrating. Maybe you need to find your key; maybe it broke in the lock. No matter the reason, you now find yourself unable to enter your own home. So, what can you do to help prevent situations like these from happening? The answer is to work with your locksmith to come up with some home lockout solutions in Orlando.   


The more prepared you are before a home lockout occurs, the more prepared you are to prevent one from ever happening. Here are some of the suggestions we have to reduce the chances of a lockout situation:  


  • Cut Spares of Your Keys & Keep the Duplicate Copies on Hand 24/7  
  • Periodically Have Your Locks Inspected for Faulty Mechanisms  
  • Repair, Rekey, or Change Stuck, Broken, or Missing Keys & Locks Prior to a Home Lockout Situation  
  • Consider Giving a Spare Key to a Trustworthy Family Member or Friend  
  • Hide a Spare Key in Your Garage, or Pick a Safe & Secluded Location in Your Backyard or on Your Porch That No One Knows About  
  • Have Our 24-Hour Locksmith’s Number on Hand so We Can Come Out the Moment You Experience a Problem 

What Are High-Security Car Keys in Orlando?

A high-security key is precisely what it sounds like—a key that is virtually impossible to replicate without permission. These advanced keys are designed to work with locks that cannot be picked, bumped, or circumvented by any other methods. So, when a locksmith refers to a key as “high security,” they are referring to keys and locks that provide the most door control and resistance.  


But what happens if you end up losing your keys or locking them inside your vehicle? Will you still be able to call a locksmith for a car key duplication in Orlando for a high-security key? The answer is yes! But there is a lot more work involved to ensure that not just anyone will be able to make duplicates of these very protective keys.  


To duplicate a high-security key, your auto locksmith will need to obtain the original cuts, or the “key code,” to laser-cut the new key. Once the key code has been retrieved, the key-cutting machine will need to be set up with the correct vehicle manufacturer and key profile. Finally, the locksmith can begin cutting the blade to the correct specifications.  


Because of this process, it is always a good idea to get a spare key made before you end up in a situation where you need it. This will drastically reduce the amount of time—and potentially even cost—of your car key duplication service. 

Can You Replace Electronic Auto Keys in Orlando?

Thirty years ago, if you locked yourself out of your car, you would call a trusted locksmith and have them come out and cut you a new key. As auto keys in Orlando started to advance, however, those simple metal keys started to become more and more complicated. Today’s car key fobs don’t just unlock your doors with a push of a button, but they can even start your engine. So, with such sophisticated car keys, is it still possible to call a locksmith if you lose yours?  


The good news is that, yes, today’s locksmiths have the equipment necessary to get your electronic keys up and working again. The difference is that there is much more to it than before. New keys not only need to be cut to fit your vehicle but also need to be correctly programmed as well. The more complicated your key fob is, the more complex the process is to replace it.  


Want to avoid some of the headaches of having to replace an electronic key? Then we recommend that you proactively have a replacement made before you lose your current key. With both keys available, it becomes much easier—and more affordable—to get a replacement. 

Why Car Key Duplication in Orlando Is a Smart Idea

In today’s world, it is hard to get around and do all of the things you need to do on a daily basis without a car. Whether you are heading to work, picking up your kids from school, or getting groceries, your vehicle makes all your daily tasks much easier and much less time-consuming. But what happens if, on one of these trips, you lose your car keys or accidentally lock them inside your vehicle?  


Well, if you have taken advantage of car key duplication in Orlando, then you are in luck. By having the forethought to get a duplicate key made before you actually need it, you can simply use your duplicate key to regain access to your vehicle until your missing keys are found.   


Since today’s car keys are much more sophisticated—and complicated—than the plain metal keys of the past, it can sometimes be a lot more work to get into your vehicle or have a replacement key made if you do not have access to your original keys. So, make sure you are ready for any incidents that might develop in the future—and save yourself a lot of time and money in the process—by reaching out to a trusted locksmith for a preemptive car key duplication. 

When Do You Need Locksmith Services in Orlando?

Several times in your life, you might find yourself needing locksmith services in Orlando. Whether you’ve lost your keys or are looking for a bit of security and peace of mind, a locksmith can come in handy in many different ways. Here are the top four reasons why you may need to call a professional locksmith: 


You’ve Locked Yourself Out – This is the most common reason you might need a locksmith. Maybe you lost your keys, left them at the office, or locked the door and walked out without ensuring your keys were on you. It happens to all of us, and emergency locksmiths are here to help you 24 hours a day, seven days a week, so you aren’t stuck outside your home, office, or vehicle for a moment longer than you have to be. 


You Need to Change Your Locks – Do you have a problematic ex-roommate, spouse, or family member? Maybe you have just moved into a new home? No matter the reason, it is always a bright idea to change your locks to protect your safety when there are people with access to your home to whom you no longer want to have that access. 


Your Locks Need Cleaning – Locks can get dirty. You may not even think about this until issues arise, but it is true! Dust, dirt, wear, and tear can corrode a lock over time. With proper oiling, cleaning, and maintenance, the lifespan of these locks can be improved, causing fewer problems when you lock or unlock your doors. 


You Want to Upgrade Your Locking System – The statistics say that a burglary occurs in the United States every 15 seconds. That means there is an excellent incentive to make sure you have the best locking system possible for your home. By working with a locksmith, you can upgrade your system with improved deadbolts, electronic locking systems, or even more locks as needed. 

A Good Locksmith Company Will Always Do This

Not all locksmith companies are created equally, meaning you don’t just want to call the first number that pops up when you search for locksmith services in Orlando. Here are the top four qualities you want to look for before calling a locksmith:  


24/7 Service Availability – Most times, when you need a locksmith, you aren’t calling about a preplanned project. Instead, you are calling because you have been locked out of your home, office, or vehicle. That means you need to know that the locksmith company will be there to assist you no matter what time of the day or night it is.  


Fast Service – Hand-in-hand with 24/7 availability is fast service. You don’t want to wait hours on end for a locksmith to show up to finally get you back into your property or vehicle. The best locksmiths understand that the longer you have to wait outside, the more frustrated you are likely to get. That is why they will work hard to reduce your wait.  


A Solid & Verifiable Reputation – When customers have had a bad experience, they are much more likely to share their experience online. That means it is often more important, when looking through reviews, to research the quality of the reviews instead of the quantity.   


 Multiple Services – Sure, if you are dealing with an automobile lockout and you call a locksmith that only deals with automobile lockouts, there is a good chance they will do a great job. But that means you will have to go through the whole search process again when you need locksmith services for your home or business. That is why it is wise to search for a locksmith company that offers multiple services since you could find yourself returning to them time after time if they do a good job. 

How to Find a Trustworthy Locksmith in Orlando

You likely don’t have the number of a locksmith in Orlando handy on your phone. That means if you find yourself stranded outside your home or vehicle, you might want to know how to find someone you trust to gain access to your property. So, how do you go about trying to find a trustworthy and qualified locksmith? Here are just a few things to look for:  


Visit Credible Locksmith Organization Websites – There are several credible locksmith organization Websites that require the locksmiths they list to meet specific requirements and qualifications. Findalocksmith.com is an excellent option since it is sponsored by the Associated Locksmiths of America (ALOA).  


Word of Mouth – Do you know a friend or family member that recently had to have a locksmith come out? If so, it is a good idea to ask them whom they used and what their experience was.   


Checking Credentials – Finally, any locksmith you are looking to hire should have a valid state locksmith license or registration. If it isn’t on their Website, then make sure you ask for it before obtaining service. This will help you avoid dealing with fraud since you will be able to go back and reference the number they give you with state records.